Famous quote poster, featuring the education quote from Nelson Mandela ‘Education is the most important weapon we can use to change the world’
A4 size, cream background.
Part of a series of downloadable famous quote posters, A4 size. cream background.
This one says ‘Education is the most important weapon we can use to change the world’
Part of a series of downloadable famous quote posters, A4 size. cream background.
This one says ‘Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new’ Albert Enstein
Part of a series of downloadable famous quote posters, A4 size. cream background.
This one says ‘Where you are right now doesn’t have to determine where you’ll end up’ as said by Barack Obama
Large a3 download image showcasing a fabulous quote about assumptions. shown here with a storm cloud and rainbow photograph I took here in Wales.
Two different version are available in my store.